At its December 5, 2014 board meeting at the Flinn Foundation office in Phoenix, the Arizona Heritage Alliance board of directors elected a new slate of board members and officers. Returning to the board for three-year terms are:
- Bonnie Bariola, Florence
- Margaret Bohannan, Scottsdale
- The Honorable Sam Campana, Scottsdale
- Peter Culp, Sedona
- Don Farmer, Scottsdale
- James Holway, Phoenix
- Jennifer Martin, Phoenix
- Kathleen Roediger, Phoenix
- William Thornton, Tucson
- Elizabeth Woodin, Tucson
- Tom Woods, Phoenix
Larry Weigel of Tucson was elected as a new board member. David C. Bartlett of Tucson chose to leave the board after five terms. Beth Woodin, on behalf of the full board, thanked David for his 15 years of service on the board.
The board then elected the following officers for 2015:
- President – Elizabeth Woodin, Tucson
- Vice President – Jim McPherson, Phoenix
- Secretary – Bonnie Bariola, Florence
- Treasurer – William Thornton, Tucson
Board members also thanked Janice Miano for her work on behalf of the board.