[Via: CopaNews.com]
Arizona State Parks, along with several partners including the Arizona State Parks Foundation, City of Phoenix, City of Scottsdale, and Volunteers for Outdoor Arizona, are hosting two trail trainings this October.

Trail Design and Layout Course
October 9-10, Phoenix, AZ
Registration is $30
This two-day class in trail design starts with a half day in the classroom learning the basic concepts of trail design and layout. The afternoon is spent learning how to use a clinometer and to apply the new trail design skills to evaluate existing trails. The second day is spent evaluating an existing section of trail and laying out a new sustainable reroute. NOTE: This is not a construction course.
Trail Design Concepts Covered:* The Three Purposes of Trails * Grade, Tread Watershed, Anchors * Measuring Grade with a Clinometer * Five Critical Rules of Trail Design * Indications of Poorly Designed Trail * Evaluating Existing Trails * Planning Trail Reroutes * Five Stages Of Trail Layout * Types of Trail Users * Positive, Negative, Seasonal and Construction Control Points * Trail Routing Considerations * Climbing Turns vs. Switchbacks * Designing For Sustainability
For more information on this training click here.
Universal Trail Assessment Process Coordinator Workshop
October 19 – 20, Scottsdale, AZ
Registration is $50
The Universal Trails Assessment Process (UTAP) provides objective, accurate information about the conditions on a trail or in outdoor environments. The assessment results can help trail users determine whether a trail meets their interests and abilities. Land managers can also use the information to identify areas where access may be limited and to determine whether a trail complies with the proposed accessibility guidelines.
This two-day workshop enables individuals to conduct accurate assessments of trails in their own community and to lead groups of untrained individuals in the completion of trail assessments. Individuals who achieve a minimum of 70% on the final written exam are also eligible to be certified by American Trails as a Trail Assessment Coordinator. To become certified, individuals must submit copies of the trail data that they have collected for a minimum of two trails, which total at least one mile in length.
For more information on UTAP click here.
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For more information on this specific training visit https://azstateparks.com/trails/trail_workshops.html.