[Source: Casa Grande Valley Newspapers] — Although McFarland State Historic Park has been closed, the state is proceeding with plans to repair it, the Arizona State Parks agency announced Tuesday. “Tonto Natural Bridge and McFarland State Historic Park have been slated for years for these repairs and both projects are ‘hammer ready’ jobs that small construction firms will be able to bid on soon,” Assistant Parks Director Jay Ream said in a prepared statement.
McFarland Park in Florence was closed Feb. 6 because the adobe walls are crumbling and the foundation of the building is washing away underneath the walls. Handmade adobe bricks will have to be made to replace the older foundation. That project is out for bid now and bids are due March 19, according to Arizona State Parks.
The State Parks Board voted Friday to temporarily close two parks for repairs and to move rangers to other parks that have lost many professional and seasonal personnel due to a $34.6 million sweep from state parks funds. Tonto Natural Bridge has severe roof leaks and structural problems and Jerome State Historic Park has a wall that is collapsing. Both of those parks will close at 5 p.m. today. [Note: To read the full article, click here.]