Accomplishments of the Arizona Heritage Alliance 2004-2007

  • We are always expanding outreach through increased public event participation such as the Arizona Open Space Conference; the Arizona Parks and Recreation Conference: the Arizona Highways Travel Show; the Arizona Preservation Foundation Conference; Valley Forward’s Earthfest Educator’s Night; Sunland Village East Discover Arizona Event; and the Environmental Legislative Day at the State Capitol.
  • We met and exceeded a fundraising challenge grant in 2005, 2006, and 2007.
  • We held special meetings with the leadership of three Arizona communities, Coolidge, Florence and Camp Verde, recipients of millions of dollars of Heritage Fund grants.
  • In 2004, we developed a partnership with the Arizona Parks and Recreation Association and still work with them to promote the importance of the State Parks Heritage Fund.
  • In 2005, we presented Governor Janet Napolitano with our The Heritage Guardian Award for her veto of SB1067 appropriation which would have removed $1.6 million from the Arizona Game and Fish Fund.
  • In November 2006, we celebrated the 17th birthday of the Arizona Heritage Fund with a walking tour of historic downtown Florence and luncheon at McFarland State Park. Guests included representatives from Arizona Game & Fish Commission and staff; representatives from the Arizona Lottery, Arizona State Parks, as well as elected officials from Pinal County and the Town of Florence.
  • In August 2007, the Arizona Heritage Alliance put together a “Call To Action”. Seventy-four people attended this workshop representing over twenty agencies, cities, regional governments, organizations, and individuals.