2/3/2012 – Arizona State Parks Heritage Fund. During the 2010 state budget crisis, the entire Arizona State Parks Heritage Fund was swept into the General Fund AND the language authorizing its existence was removed.
House Concurrent Resolution 2047, “Enacting and Ordering the Submission to the People of a Measure Relating to the Arizona State Parks Heritage Fund,” has been introduced by Representative Russ Jones of Yuma. Review the bill’s language at: http://www.azleg.gov//FormatDocument.asp?inDoc=/legtext/50leg/2r/bills/hcr2047p.htm&Session_ID=107.
HCR2047 has been assigned to three committees in the House: Agricultural & Water, Appropriations, and Rules. It will be first be heard in the Agriculture & Water Committee:
- Date: Thursday, February 9
- Time: 9 a.m.
- Place: Hearing Room 5, House of Representatives, 1700 W. Washington St.
Individuals may testify in person by registering on the ALIS system: http://alistrack.azleg.gov/rts/login.asp View the committee agenda online at: http://www.azleg.gov/FormatDocument.asp?inDoc=/agendas/02090117107%2Edoc%2Ehtm.
If you cannot attend and are not registered on ALIS, you are welcome to contact the House Agriculture & Water Committee members to share your views:
- The Honorable Brenda Barton, District 5, Republican, bbarton@azleg.gov, 602-926-4129
- The Honorable Kate Brophy McGee, District 11, Republican, kbrophymcgee@azleg.gov, 602-926-4486
- The Honorable Chester Crandell, Vice Chair, District 5, Republican, ccrandell@azleg.gov, 602-926-5409
- The Honorable Ruben Gallego, District 16, Democrat, rgallego@azleg.gov, 602-926-3042
- The Honorable Russ Jones, Chair, District 24, rjones@azleg.gov, 602-926-3002
- The Honorable Peggy Judd, District 25, Republican, pjudd@azleg.gov, 602-926-5836
- The Honorable Catherine H. Miranda, District 16, Democrat, cmiranda@azleg.gov, 602-926-4893
- The Honorable Lynne Pancrazi, District 24, Democrat, lpancrazi@azleg.gov, 602-926-3004
- The Honorable Steve Urie, District 22, Republican. surie@azleg.gov, 602-926-4136
It’s not too late to thank the bipartisan co-sponsors of HCR2047: http://www.azleg.gov//FormatDocument.asp?inDoc=/legtext/50leg/2r/bills/hcr2047o.asp&Session_ID=107.