AZ Prisons, Parks May Soon Be Private

[Source: Sarah Buduso Reporter,]

Opponent Says Hundreds Of State Workers Could Lose Jobs

A state commission studying privatization will likely recommend privatizing Arizona’s parks and prisons as a way to help ease the state’s budget deficit when it releases its full report in December. 

“This is one way to economize in a way that will cause the least amount of pain to the public,” said Glenn Hamer, a member of Arizona’s Commission on Privatization and Efficiency.

Gov. Jan Brewer created the commission to help Arizona save money.

The state is currently facing a more than $1 billion budget deficit.

“This is 101 for good government to look for ways that you can save taxpayer dollars,” said Hamer, who is also the president and CEO of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Hamer said most of the commission’s recommendations will be kept secret until the report is released, but he expects the report to recommend privatizing Arizona’s state parks and privatizing more state prisons.



Read the whole article here.


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