Why It Matters: Data Snapshot: Flip the Script to Increase Voter Turnout

Center for the Future of Arizona Electronic Newsletter:  August 2022

Electing leaders aligned with Arizonans’ values relies heavily on participation. The more Arizonans are involved, the closer we can get to electing leaders who represent most Arizonans, their ideas, and their collective interests.The Arizona Voters’ Agenda shows that the majority of voters care about and agree on many issues and actions critical to our state’s future. They want to hear candidates discussing the priorities outlined in the Agenda when considering whom they will support with their vote.

Together, we can center the priorities of Arizona voters in our elections. Browse our suite of materials on the Arizona Voters’ Agenda– a data-driven guide to what the majority of voters prioritize and want to hear from candidates– to support your conversations, moderated forums, social media, and more.

We can all encourage productive political dialogue and participation in the upcoming General Election among our networks. Download and share Arizona voters’ priorities and what candidates should address as they compete for votes.

Click here to read the Water & Environment Agenda.